In a heartwarming display of community spirit, the Indian Army’s SpearCorps unit brought together locals of Phougakchao Ikhai, Bishnupur district, to celebrate National Sports Day on August 29, 2024. The event was a resounding success, promoting physical fitness, unity, and social cohesion through a range of exciting sports activities.
The highlight of the day was a friendly volleyball match between the local community and the Indian Army, symbolizing the strong bond between the residents of Phougakchao Ikhai and the armed forces. This sporting encounter embodied the theme of ‘Sport for the Promotion of Peaceful and Inclusive Societies,’ showcasing how sports can bridge gaps and foster lasting relationships.
The event saw enthusiastic participation from around 180 children and 40 adults from local schools, who actively engaged in fun and competitive events like sac races, relay races, and musical chairs. The Indian Army’s initiative in organizing such events continues to strengthen the camaraderie and mutual respect between the armed forces and local communities, promoting a sense of national pride and unity.