A thought-provoking session on ‘Envisioning Corporate India for Viksit Bharat@2047’ was hosted by the Standing Conference of Public Enterprises (SCOPE), an apex body of Public Sector Enterprises. The event was graced by esteemed speakers, including Prof. K. V. Subramanian, India’s ED to International Monetary Fund and Former Chief Economic Advisor of India, who shared his insights on the four-pillar strategy for India’s inclusive and sustained growth.
Shri Hemang Jani, Senior Advisor to ED, World Bank, and Shri Sandeep Kumar Gupta, Chairman, SCOPE & CMD, GAIL, also addressed the gathering, providing valuable perspectives on the roadmap for India to achieve its ambitious goal of becoming a US $55 trillion economy by 2047. The session featured a book reading of ‘India @100’ and an interactive discussion, engaging over 300 participants from across the country.