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BPCL Employees Contributing One Day Salary to PMCARE : D.Rajkumar

(Mumbai): We’re witnessing tumultuous times that have never been experienced before. The world has been shaken with the continued spread of the COVID – 19 pandemic. In tune with necessity, India has taken stringent preventive steps by enforcing a total lockdown with only the essential services operating.Bharat Petroleum has a pivotal role to play in provision of vital products and services that fuel the nation. Our staff in operating locations have expended tremendous efforts to ensure that supplies of LPG and auto fuels to the market are made on time, despite the enormous hurdles they face in terms of logistics and workforce. Concomitantly, our sales team and channel partners (Dealers & LPG Distributors) have also worked diligently to ensure that LPG deliveries continue unabated in the midst of this turmoil and hardship.

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NO DEARTH OF LPG STOCK: We would assure everyone that we have enough of LPG stock, across our network. All our LPG Plants have enough manpower to operate them and all our distributors are making all efforts to deliver Bharatgas cylinders at the door step of our consumers. Through media, I would like to convey all our Bharatgas consumers, that you please Stay at Home and Stay Safe, during the lockdown period. We shall ensure that your cylinders will reach your home.

Our more than 16,000 Fuel Stations are operational and are ready to fuel our customers in line with directives of local authorities. Nation’s lifeline, like Medical, Administrative, Essential and Emergency Services are being regularly fuelled at our Fuel Stations. In this difficult time we stand strong in serving our customers at our fuel stations and delivering the cooking gas at consumers home.

THREE FREE CYLINDERS IN THREE MONTHS TO PMUY BENEFICIERIES : PMUY beneficiaries who are the weakest section of our society have always been supported by BPCL, in line with Government of India’s directives. We are fully geared up to meet the increased demand, which we expect from the next month, on account of the Free Cylinder Scheme announced by Hon’ble prime Minister for PMUY beneficiaries, where three cylinders will be given in three months to such beneficiaries.

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COMMITTED PM CARE FUND : BPCL and its subsidiaries have contributed towards ‘PM-CARES Fund’ to help the government to combat COVID-19, as our humble contribution towards the well-being of the society. Our employees are also contributing their one day salary for the cause.

EX-GRATIA FOR LPG DELIVERY BOYS, DRIVEWAY SALES PERSON AND OTHER PERSONNEL :We have today announced an ex-gratia amount of ₹5 lakh each, in the event of the death of any such personnel engaged at Fuel Stations (Driveway Sales Men & Women, etc), POL Operation Locations (Depots & Installations), LPG Bottling Plants, LPG Distributorships (Delivery Boys, Showroom & Godown staff etc) Pipeline TOPs & , Intermediate Pumping Stations, and crew of all transports services, including bulk LPG trucks due to the infection and impact of Corona Virus.


More than 1,000 Fuel Stations, across our network are regularly distributing food packets or serving meals and water to distressed and stranded migrant workers heading towards their hometowns and the truck crew. We are proud that our dealers have come forward to extend all help. Our Fuel Stations on highways are helping people with shelter, toilet and shower facilities.

In addition to the above major initiatives, we are enforcing COVID 19 related specific safety and preventive precautions like Social Distancing and Personal Hygieneacross our operations. Continuous messages, both internal and customer facing, through various means including the social media are being broadcast to encourage employees and channel partners to take necessary precautions.Through social media handles, internal posters, communique and messages from the leadership, we have regularly been acknowledging and encouraging our LPG Delivery Boysfor their selfless service to the society, as the nation battles with the invisible enemy.Across our LPG network we are taking all necessary precautions so that when we deliver Bharatgas cylinders at your doorsteps, they are safe to use. Our cylinders are disinfected with Sodium Hypochlorite solution spray before they are dispatched from our bottling plants.Entire BPCL family including our employees, channel partners and delivery staff has risen to the occasion and have proved to be an indomitable force working wholeheartedly to serve our customers. I take pride in them standing true to our core purpose of ‘Energising Lives’ of the nation.

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