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Which of 3 Options will ONGC Head Choose ?

The web of corruption is never ending in ONGC. There are links going from Delhi, Mumbai to Uttarakhand. After the arrival of the new CMD and the new Director of HR, it was said that things would change but that does not seem to be happening. A source in ONGC has even said that ONGC Chief is big at talking and low on action.

Take for instance the example when after acquiring the chair he said Senior Executives above 50 Years should make way for those younger than them. If he was really so concerned about the younger generation he should have set an example. Some time having lapsed we want to bring to our readers the mockery being done in the name of good management practices. Succession planning is almost nonexistent in ONGC.

They had to import their D(HR) from IOCL. Chance is hardly given to deserving young talent only lip service. In pursuance of his own saying only three options seem to be open to the Chairman. One, He should resign and make way for young talent. Two, He should accept he only preaches but does not practice his own belief and apologize to all. Three, He should readily accept he is a Hypocrite. Many in ONGC feel that the moral downfall is a result of bad leadership.
Anyway, the common public knows that none of the above three options will be exercised and thus they would be entitled to form their own honest assessment.

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