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Vacancies on top posts are becoming a hindrance in IOCL Growth – Officer Association

New Delhi: The IOCL Officers Association has expressed deep concern over the top posts lying vacant in IOCL. In a letter to the Union Minister of PNG Mr. Hardeep Singh Puri and PESB, the recommending body for appointments to PSUs, the association has said, the manner in which the filling up of top positions in IOCL is being delayed will have dire consequences for IOCL in the future. results may appear.

The association further says The Indian Oil Officers Association (IOOA) is deeply concerned about the delayed process of appointing new functional board members. Vacancies arising due to retirement or tenure completion have not been advertised and filled in a timely manner, causing uncertainty and further worry.
As per clause 2.(D)1. in the PESB Compendium of Guidelines Regarding Board Level Appointments, advertisements for anticipated vacancies should be issued well before one year of incumbent’s tenure completion. However, it has been observed that advertisements for board-level appointments for Indian Oil’s Chairman, Director (Finance), Director (Human Resources), Director (Research & Development), and Director (Pipelines), which are either vacant or getting vacated by the end of August’23, have been inordinately delayed.
Although PESB convened an interview for Director (Finance) on 24th March’23, the recommendation of the PESB has not been finalized in compliance with the Hon’ble High Court of Delhi Order dated 22/03/2023 in WP No.3259/2023, resulting in a standstill on filling up this board level position.
Interviews for Chairman and Director (Pipelines) are scheduled, but as per clause 2.(D)2. defined time schedule, after the interview process, it would further take around 4 to 5 months of time, provided PESB finds a suitable candidate for a recommendation. Similarly, the advertisement for Director (Research & Development) has been released, but the application date has closed only on 2nd May’23, and the process of interview and final appointment is going to take not less than 6 to 8 months.
The advertisement for Director (Human Resources) is yet to be released due to an unanticipated vacancy created consequent to the non-extension of the tenure of Shri Ranjan Kumar Mohapatra.
It is important to note that the prescribed timelines for non-extension of tenure, as per Chapter 4, (B) Extension in Tenure point no 5, were not followed in the case of Shri Ranjan Kumar Mohapatra. According to the guidelines, the non-extension should have been referred to the ACC six months prior to the scheduled expiration of his tenure, which was on 18th February’23. However, upon completion of his tenure, he was advised to continue on ad hoc basis. Later, it was decided not to extend his tenure abruptly on 2nd May’23, reducing the already limited number of members in the company board. This decision was deemed disrespectful to the IndianOil officer’s community, considering his 37-year contribution to the corporation in various capacities. This could have been handled in a better way if the decision had been taken in a timely and appropriate manner.

The delayed process of filling vacant board positions at IndianOil will cause a significant leadership gap, leaving the company with only three functional directors instead of the required eight after August’23. This situation is a cause for concern as it limits the decision-making capacity of the board and may lead to delayed or inefficient decision-making processes.

Moreover, two of the current board members are already handling the additional charge of crucial and important functions of Finance and Human Resource, which could overburden them and limit their ability to take bold initiatives in additional areas, other than their own specialized areas. This situation could also lead to burnout and potentially cause these directors to underperform in their primary roles.
This leadership gap and delayed decision-making at the top levels of the company can adversely impact its growth and competitiveness in the market. The current business environment is highly competitive, and companies need to make timely and strategic decisions to stay ahead of the curve. With a limited number of functional directors and delayed appointments, IndianOil may struggle to keep up with its competitors and may seize to capture new opportunities.

the relevant authorities must take notice of this situation and expedite the appointment process to fill these key board positions. A prompt resolution would not only help to stabilize the leadership structure of IndianOil but also ensure that the company is well-positioned to capitalize on new opportunities in the market and maintain its competitive edge.

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