New Delhi: The race for the prestigious position of Director (Commercial) at NBCC seems to have gained significant momentum. With around thirty to forty (30 to 40) candidates having thrown their hat in the ring it promises to be no less than a WWF duel. History has seen that usually PESB, in their God-given wisdom, usually shortlists a panel of 12 candidates to be called up for personal interaction which more times than not, is held virtually. While normal logic and justice dictate that the number of candidates shortlisted should be commensurate to the number of candidates who have applied but with PESB reason often goes out of the window. Despite concern shown by candidates, murmurs, even court cases, PESB does not budge from its position and is a law in itself.
According to sources of NewsIP, the interaction process for this vital position is expected to conclude by March. Well within the April deadline of the existing PESB Chairman’s scheduled tenure. It’s a separate matter that the current flavour is to continue with the existing heads of Institutions and Corporate Heads.
NewsIP is committed to providing timely updates and trends which impact on the citizens of the nation. Any further developments regarding this crucial appointment will be promptly shared with our esteemed readers. The great rush of applicants shows that the position is hugely lucrative and much longed for. Why this rush of candidates, well our readers can well understand that there must be reasons much beyond mere career progression. Heading a business vertical in a PSU has humungous perks and power with hardly any matching responsibility and it attracts careerists like ants to honey.