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Petronet LNG is bullish on the future of LNG in India

Goa:IEW24: Mr.Akshay Kumar Singh, MD & CEO, of Petronet LNG while speaking exclusively with NewsIP explained how Petronet LNG is poised to take great strides in the future.
He said that Qatar has been a trusted supplier of LNG to India. He added that most of the sea routes used are not through the Red Sea and thus not impacted by the recent turbulences.
Qatar Energy has been a reliable partner and a source of gas for the last 20 years and there has never been a default in any cargo despite up and downs like COVID and Ukraine Russia war.

“Petronet LNG Secures Long-Term Deal with QatarEnergy for 7.5 MMTPA LNG”

Reliability is a big factor for long-term contracts and if the supplier can fulfill the terms in spite of difficulties, the comfort level becomes higher. In this regard, Qatar Energy has for the last 20 years a good track record.
He further added, lots of visitors from various countries visited the Petronet LNG pavilion in IEW 24 and showed keen interest. Gas is currently a hot subject, Natural Gas and LNG will play a major role in India’s quest for Net Zero by 2070.
Without these Energy Transition is simply not possible. In the near future, the use of LNG will increase a lot in India.
Petronet LNG is handling almost 70 percent of LNG imports in India and is a leader. Although, there of Petronet LNG has no restrictions by Govt.of India on imports, settling up terminals etc.
but Petronet LNG is confident that it will continue to play the lead role.
India is poised to be the third-largest economy by 2028 and Gas will play an indispensable role.
Being a large consumer of energy, much of which it imports, India has to make all out efforts for energy security and Petronet LNG will play a crucial role in it. (By.Z A Ansari)

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