As the term of the current team at PESBs is nearing completion, they have suddenly started working in full swing. Senior positions in PSEs either lying vacant or going to become vacant soon are attempted to being filled up expeditiously. Whether it is a good step only time will tell. But experts believe, increasing the tenures of some PSU Directors/ Chairmen while not increasing for others tends to bring in indiscipline and raises serious doubts on intention. Surely compulsions should not come into play and selection should be on merits. newsip has been pointing out that if impartial selections are not done by PESB corruption would set in. Persons in high places should not only be corruption free but seen to be as one. There is a lot of unemployment and even serious underemployment not only in Lower Ranks but in Senior Positions as well. Another aspect is the shroud of secrecy which is there in the selection to high places by PESB.
Some recent cases which have come out in the public domain like -Interview of CMD of PFC on 08/05/2023.
Interview of IOCL Director Finance -09/05/2023
Proposed IOCL Chairman Interview on 16/05/2023 where predominantly EDs have been invited raise serious questions. For the last one, everyone is asking whether the history of Double Promotion in IOCL will be repeated or it’s an exercise geared towards ensuring continuence of present incumbent after nonselection of any of the candidates.
Till the time of going to print, only these interviews have come to the fore and there may be many more which may not be in public knowledge.
It can well happen that depending on the decision taken by PESB in these interviews, the name of the nectar-like candidate will get declared after the churnings of PESB, or then the decision to select the candidate by the heterogeneous search committee is taken will be seen. And then the election process of 2024 will set in and the status quo may be maintained.
The way an incident happened recently and more than twenty crore cash was recovered from a CMD, the question which arises in everyone’s mind is whether the system for selecting CMDs is to perpetuate corruption. Well this way, India seems to be heading towards an era of Godi CMDs and Godi Chairmen