New Delhi : In a groundbreaking move, GAIL (India) Limited, Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC), and Shell Energy India (SEI) Private Limited inked a tripartite Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) today, aiming to explore opportunities for importing ethane and other hydrocarbons. The focus also includes the examination of developing ethane evacuation infrastructure at Shell Energy Terminal, Hazira.
The collaboration comes on the heels of GAIL’s earlier bilateral MoU with SEI, conducting a feasibility study on ethane import infrastructure in the existing Hazira terminal. ONGC, having its own bilateral MoU with GAIL, is set to play a pivotal role in importing and handling hydrocarbons. The three entities are joining forces to meet the emerging ethane demand in India and foster the development of associated infrastructure.
Rajeev Kumar Singhal, Director (Business Development) at GAIL, emphasized the growing significance of ethane as a petrochemical precursor in India. ONGC’s Group General Manager, Ashok Kumar, echoed the sentiment, highlighting ethane’s role as the future fuel for India’s petrochemical industry.
The MoU focuses on cooperative efforts to develop ethane import facilities at the Shell Hazira Terminal, assessing existing infrastructure, utilizing pipeline routes, and ensuring operational efficiency.
The move aligns with India’s commitment to self-reliance (Atmanirbhar Bharat), offering new business prospects and diversification of petrochemical feedstock while supporting national priorities. The tripartite collaboration is poised to bring about swift progress and operational excellence in the shared project, marking a significant milestone in India’s petrochemical landscape.