PLL Reported highest ever PBT of Rs 3,968 Crore in the (F/Y) 31st March, 2021
Highest ever PBT of Rs 3,968 Cr and PAT of Rs 2,949 Cr in a financial year. Growth in Profit Before Tax (PBT) of FY 2020-21 over PAT of FY 2019-20 by 28% Growth in Profit After Tax (PAT) of FY 2020-21 over PAT of FY 2019-20 by 9%

New Delhi: During the FY 2020-21 (current year), Dahej terminal processed 849 TBTU of LNG as against 885 TBTU processed during the previous year. The overall LNG volume processed by the Company in the current year was 896 TBTU, as against the LNG volume processed in the previous year of 927 TBTU.
During the quarter ended 31st March, 2021 (current quarter), Dahej terminal processed 204 TBTU of LNG, as against 206 TBTU processed during the corresponding quarter (Q4, FY 2019-20). In the previous quarter (Q3, FY 2020-21), 222 TBTU of LNG was processed. The overall LNG volume processed by the Company in the current quarter was 218 TBTU, as against 219 TBTU processed in the corresponding quarter. In the previous quarter, LNG volume processed was 235 TBTU.
The Company has reported highest ever PBT of Rs 3,968 Crore in the financial year ending 31st March, 2021 (current year), as against Rs 3,111 Crore in the previous year. The PAT for the current year was reported at Rs 2,949 Cr as against the PAT of the previous year of Rs 2,698 Crore.
The Company has reported PBT of Rs 856 Crore in the current quarter, as against Rs 486 Crore in the corresponding quarter. In the previous quarter, PBT was Rs 1,172 Crore. PAT for the current quarter was reported at Rs 623 Cr as against PAT of the corresponding quarter which stood at Rs 359 Crore. PAT of the previous quarter was Rs 878 Crore.
The Board of Directors have recommended a final dividend of 35% on equity for approval of the shareholders in the AGM.
The strong financial results were achieved due to robust operational efficiency and effective commercial planning by the Company.