Petronet LNG Ltd (PBT) of Rs 1,957 Cr in the current half year H1, 2021-22
⮚ Growth in volume throughput of the current quarter Q2, FY 2021-22 over the previous quarter Q1, FY 2021-22 by 15% ⮚ Growth in Profit Before Tax (PBT) and Profit After Tax (PAT) of the current quarter Q2, FY 2021-22 over the previous quarter Q1, FY 2021-22 by 30% and 29% respectively ⮚ Highest ever Profit Before Tax (PBT) of Rs 1,957 Cr in the current half year H1, 2021-22

During the quarter ended 30th September, 2021 (current quarter), Dahej terminal processed 225 TBTU of LNG as against 194 TBTU processed during the previous quarter ended 30th June, 2021 and 243 TBTU processed during the corresponding quarter ended 30th September, 2020. The overall LNG volume processed by the Company in the current quarter was 240 TBTU, as against the LNG volume processed in the previous and corresponding quarters, which stood at 209 TBTU and 254 TBTU respectively.
The Company achieved a throughput of 449 TBTU in the half year ended 30th September, 2021 (current half year), as against the throughput of 444 TBTU in the half year ended 30th September, 2020 (corresponding half year).
The Company has reported PBT of Rs 1,105 Crore in the current quarter, as against Rs 851 Crore in the previous quarter and Rs 1,243 Crore in the corresponding quarter. The PAT for the current quarter was reported at Rs 823 Crore as against the PAT of the previous and corresponding quarters of Rs 636 Crore and Rs 927 Crore respectively.
The Company has reported highest ever PBT of Rs 1,957 Crore in current half year as against PBT of Rs 1,939 Crore in the corresponding half year. The PAT of the current half year was Rs 1,459 Crore as against PAT of 1,448 Crore in the corresponding half year.
Considering the robust performance, the Board of Directors of the Company has approved a special interim dividend of Rs 7.00 per share