New Delhi: In a quarter marked by volatility, ONGC has reported a net profit of ₹8,938 crore, a decline of 15.1% from the previous year. Yet, amidst the challenges, the company’s gross revenue has risen by 4.3% to ₹35,266 crore, a testament to its resilience.
Exploration remains a bright spot, with five new discoveries in FY’25, unlocking fresh avenues for growth. These finds have the potential to significantly boost ONGC’s reserves and production in the long term.
Sustainability and innovation are also driving ONGC’s progress. The company has garnered recognition for its environmental stewardship, including the prestigious Golden Peacock Environment Management Award 2024. Strategic partnerships, such as the MoU with Ever Enviro for compressed biogas plants, further underscore ONGC’s commitment to a greener future.
As ONGC navigates the complexities of the energy landscape, its Q1 FY’25 results demonstrate a company poised for growth, innovation, and sustainability.