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Oil and Gas Experts Opinions : The Lucre of Indian Energy Week, 2025

(Opinions from Oil and Gas Experts): The grand minions of the Oil & Gas Industry in India cannot pat themselves enough and jump in glee while announcing another puerile IEW, set to “kick off’ in Dwarka, New Delhi, on 11.02.2025. However, most of Oil & Gas veterans and experts are rather unenthusiastic about the, by now, ritualistic jamboree. The déjà vu is tangible and the so called “Game Changing Platform” a frayed and hackneyed ritual for wannabes. The budgetary expenditure, year over year, is considerable and neither the means nor the end truly justify holding such an event merely to showcase some organizations and their blue eyed boys. The organizers FIPI, merely holds a gala without any real analysis of the gains in quantitative terms. Rarely are any follow up exercises done and every year it’s almost a start afresh. The powers to be in FIPI, by their own admission, are always looking towards the future, thus logically cannot be held to terms in respect of any comparative analysis. Well even a rudimentary cost – benefit analysis is not deigned necessary.

Every year, a new eye catching theme is announced and everyone goes about making futuristic presentations as also making tableau like exhibitions. After the curtain closes on the “function” all seems to be forgotten and the holders and invitees hibernate till the next wake up call for another festivity. Interestingly it’s the PSUs and the Contractors who service the myriad spaces of the Oil & Gas Sector who are the most enthusiastic participants of the Energy Week. Private and other Serious Players tend to keep a modest profile, share minimum information and generally put in a low key attendance. The reasons are obvious. Which serious businesses would want to make their plans and real strategies. Oil & Gas Sector is a closed door set up being run by few giant haves, who call the shots worldwide. India is at best a big consumer but has never been able to hold its own against the dictates of the Oil & Gas producers and owners. The cry for Oil Democracy and Equity in rates, for a country like India has been just that, a big cry. Nothing substantive has evolved as yet. It’s pathetic to see in IEW, year after year, tall promises been made and then promptly forgotten. New promises spring up come another year, like fungi & mushrooms after monsoon.

NewsIP has been bringing to its readers the truth and essence of most happening in various sectors and Oil & Gas has been a main arear of focus since it plays a very vital role in the economy of the nation. Most low and middle income citizens feel the pinch when the prices of POL go up. The hapless tax paying citizen has to bear the consequences of Oil & Gas price volatility. They cannot pass on the increase burden to anyone else, unlike many capitalists. The Advisors and Babus have never been able to formulate any plan to isolate the common citizen of India from the vagaries of Oil Price Increase. They simply pass it on to the consumers or ask the OMCs to take the burden, making them weak financially. Mind you the Private Players have the option of exporting refined products or do trading and earn windfall profits while the PSUs suffer and have to carry out the full S&D burden for the nation. To add insult to injury, the Private Players aggregate for themselves, the vital assets of the PSUs, on the flawed principle of Common Carrier, National Assets etc. Bodies like PNGRB have been formulated to assist the private players. The most important assets like Pipelines, Aviation Tankages, Airport Facilities have already been thus taken over on a pick and choose basis. The sword of privatization continues to hang over the PSUs. The specter of private monopoly and its aftermath also continues to haunt the common man. Not a single discussion is held with concrete solutions on such vital consumers related issues and national consolidation in IEWs.In the forums of IEW many burning issues are quietly sidestepped and not discussed. In fact, what is discussed is also left behind at the end of the event – Raat gayi baat gayi .

Time and again, News IP has asked for data relating to the implementation of the multiple MOUs signed during the numerous Energy Weeks held earlier but has not received any answer. In fact, a thought should be given on how the money spend for IEW and the yearlong sustenance of FIPI can be suitably utilized for betterment of the industry or research on the qualitative improvement and customer care. The rhetoric of planning of calendars of Oil & Gas professionals seems to be landing on deaf ears as the quality of participants for every IEW seems to be heading south. After so many attempts and years of existence, it has yet to come anywhere near World Petroleum Congress, Global Energy Show, Gas Tech, K Fair etc. A country like India with millions living under the poverty line, should spend money only if it helps in nation building and oil security. In order that this is actually done it has to demonstrate though figures that its happening. Mere lectures, promises and speculations for a bright future will nor suffice.

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