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New Delhi: HSCC India limited Subsidiary of NBCC India limited has got a new Managing Director Mr. Novman Ahmad. The announcement has made by the concerned Government appointment body on Thursday late evening. Mr. Noman has taken the charge of HSCC India Ltd today.

It is a story of a unique personality and gives inspiration to those failed candidates who have always blamed their failure on God and Luck. Mr. Ahmed is a professional in the field of Construction and Project Management. He has extensive experience in leadership positions across various sectors including construction, infrastructure, real estate, and finance. He has served as the Executive Director of RBG Delhi I at NBCC (India) Limited, CEO of NBCC Services Limited, and CGM (HQ) at HSCC (India) Limited, among other notable roles. In a career spanning more than 25 years, Mr. Ahmed has worked for several esteemed Government Organisations like Military Engineering Services, NABARD, IFCI Limited, and SAIL before Joining NBCC (I) Limited in 2015 His appointment as the Managing Director is expected to further strengthen HSCC’s position as a premier consultancy organization in the healthcare infrastructure sector.

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