New Delhi: Standing Conference of Public Enterprises (SCOPE), the apex body of Public Sector Enterprises (PSEs) successfully organised Webinar on Future of Work in the New Normal (CPSE Perspective)’ in association with Deloitte. The webinar, 5th in the series of SCOPE Webinars, aimed at making various strategies that organizations would need from a people and process standpoint to ensure they thrive in the present situation of COVID 19 and thereafter. Special e-issue of SCOPE’s monthly magazine Kaleidoscope encompassing PSEs contribution to economy and the role being played by them in Fight against COVID 19 was released on the occasion.
The webinar was addressed by Mr. Atul Sobti, Director General, SCOPE and Mr. Sunil Kumar, Director (HR&EB),MTNL, Mr. Ankur Walunjkar, Partner, Human Capital and Mr. Pratik N. Mehta, Partner, Human Capital, Deloitte India presented the role of virtual office spaces in the present times and also discussed the need for organisations to revisit their work, employee relevance in digital workspace, alternative workplace models, work from home policies and requirement of new skill sets required by employees. The webinar received an overwhelming response of over 500 participants including several senior members of the Public Sector fraternity.
Mr. Atul Sobti in his address highlighted that every challenge presents with a new opportunity which can be replicated in the present crisis. He also added that while Work from Home may become the new normal in times to come, but there would be equal number of challenges associated. However, by developing nimble and agile operating models and adopting new ways of working, the same can be resolved.
Mr. Sunil Kumar complemented SCOPE for conducting webinars on subjects most relevant to PSEs and highlighted the need for organisations to be agile in adopting the new work forms.