(Mumbai) Bharat Petroleum yesterday has resumed 167 projects with all necessary COVID 19 protocols, involving over Rs. 14,000 Crores of investment, as the nationwide lockdown was partially relaxed on Monday. This effort will help in its own way in reviving the economy, apart from adding to the livelihood of more than 3000 workers and their families during these difficult times. More than 6000 workers would be progressively deployed on these projects.
Out of these 167 projects, 84 projects are outside the municipal limits, while 83 projects are within municipal limits but have engaged residential workforce. These projects would involve an expenditure of approx. Rs. 1900 Crore, during the current financial year. These projects are spread over the entire value chain of the company – Refineries, E&P, Marketing Infrastructure, Pipelines, City Gas Distribution network and New Fuel Stations.
BPCL is likely to restart another 88 stalled projects with an estimated investment of Rs. 23210 crores in next few days, mainly in Kochi Refinery at Kerala and their City Gas Distribution network in various Geographical Areas, which will provide employment to another 3600+ manpower and annual expenditure of additional Rs. 2000 cr. To ensure the safety of workforce, a detailed SOP has been enforced across these project sites, with major emphasis on social distancing, using mask, frequently sanitizing the project site, Mandatory thermal screening at entry & exits, use hand sanitiser and washing hand with soaps before entering the project site, etc. Each site will have restricted entry and where workers are to work in shifts, mandatory one hour gap is being maintained between the two shifts, so that staff from two shifts don’t mingle and requisite sanitizing of the workplace is ensured. Special arrangements have been made to ferry the workers from their camps to project site wherever applicable, and the transportation ferrying them are also mandated to be operating at 30-40% of passenger capacity and sanitization before each trip.